:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

Thoughts, observations, and introspections from an art student waiter/bartender in South Beach. Arcane humor ensues.
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:: Thursday, January 15, 2009 ::

:: 2008 Year in Review ::
I don't know why I've never done this before. I've been blogging since... what... 2002? (I can't believe I've kept this thing going for this long. Seriously, six years?!) All that time and I've never done a Year in Review for Life on Planet Dan-E. (I don't know, have I? I didn't bother to check I don't actually read this thing.) Never too late to start, I guess.

January: Started off the year with a bang by getting drunk off Jägermeister; Became friendly with The Hostess; Saw the Boston Celtics blow out the Miami Heat, which made me happy and depressed at the same time; made the resolution to never drink Jägermeister, which would turn out to be the only one I manage to keep.

February: Enjoyed a great Super Bowl game and not just because the Pats lost; Got fired from a job I had for over two years; went on a lingering , frustrating job search; Eventually got a hired at a swanky restaurant only to have it close in August; During my down time, I take up running again; Extremely happy that I can once again fit into my "skinny" shirts.

March: Learned how to work at the new place as well as adapt to a whole new environment; Laugh about some very compromising photographs on a camera left behind by some careless (drunk) customers); Keep running since I like this whole "feeling healthy" thing; In the process, I almost kill myself trying to keep up with a couple of kids at least ten years younger; Celebrated my (adopted) Irish heritage by drinking a little too much Guinness and Jamesons; (come to think of it, this is pretty much every year.)

April: Played a prank on one of the managers, worked ten days straight afterwards; Spent four days in a hospital, decide that I hate it and never want to go back, and not just because of the bills; Made $20 eating a ball of wasabi; Got beat up playing tennis by a thirteen year old runt; Contemplate taking up golf.

May: Stopped talking to the hostess and not just because she was trying to drag me to see the "Sex and the City" movie; Got reprimanded by the manager for having too much hair.

June: Found out that all this time my new co-workers thought I was a major pothead since I'm laid-back, say "dude" a lot, and have really long hair; A part of me dies when my Lakers lose the finals to the Celtics; I buy a bicycle, only to get a flat tire that same day.

July: Celebrate my country by drinking too much Sierra Nevada and Jack Daniels (this is pretty much every year as well); Got a new set of contact lenses; Heard about an earthquake in Los Angeles and kinda found myself wishing I was there (because I'm an idiot); Found out My Dodgers traded for clubhouse cancer Manny Ramirez and contemplate taking a baseball bat to my own head.

August: Discovered the greasy goodness of Chicken Fried Bacon; Swanky Trendy Restaurant closes; I find gainful employment that week at an Italian Steakhouse; Spend my first night as a line cook during training, now waiting on my own Food Network show; Wait for a hurricane that never actually hits us; The Summer Olympics come and go, not that I actually watched, someone told me.

September: Football season starts, as a 49ers fan I'm both happy and depressed; Compared one of my co-workers to a 30-year old bottle of port wine and she doesn't kill me; I win the football pool two weeks in a row, only to never win again; Celebrated my fifth year in Miami by not really doing anything.

October: Against all odds Manny somehow helps my Dodgers get to the playoffs where we improbably SWEEP THE CUBS; Being a little too proficient at my job, once again, depressed me; Discovered the greasy awesomeness of the Fatty Melt, my arteries raise the white flag; Celebrated my birthday by not really doing anything.

November: Learn how to cook Osso Bucco and rediscover my love of funny words; I attend a Dolphins game with my buddy Chuck, learned exactly why they make Hootie cry; Celebrated Thanksgiving by drinking - not eating - a lot of Turkey; Following my 49ers closely only reminded why they make me cry.

December: Discovered new flavor of Haagen-Daaz and realize someone is trying to kill me; Enjoy not just one, but two Christmas parties, only after getting over the surprise that it's December already; Find something to look forward to after news that my favorite band is releasing a new album in 2009; Looking forward to 2009 for other reasons as well.

Next post: Resolutions for 2009.

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