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:: Saturday, January 03, 2009 ::

:: 2008 Season Football Picks: Playoffs? Talk about, Playoffs? ::
I haven't done my football picks in a while but lest ye worry, I've not lost my love for the game. I just haven't been blogging about it. Since one of my resolutions is to at least attempt to blog more often it might as well be about something I like. (I like women too but not much going on there. Or at least nothing I want to blog about.)

It's been a fantastic season so far. The Lions went an historic 0-16. The Cowboys soap opera of a season fizzled out worse than "Melrose Place." The Falcons and the Dolphins, after awful seasons, returned to playoff form thanks to new coaching and management. An 8-8 team (Sandy Eggo) is hosting their first playoff game while an 11-5 (New England) team gets to watch. My SanFran 49ers somehow Forrest-Gumped their way to a 7-9 season, setting up for a potential playoff run next year. (Of course, I said that two years ago and I've been punching myself in the stomach ever since.) Did I mention that Cowboys collapse?

(I only wish that someone had actually punched Terrell Owens in the face at some point. I'll freely admit my shadenfreude toward any rival team, by the way.)

Anyway, here are my picks for the first round of the playoffs.

Arizona over Atlanta:
I hate the Cards because they play in my division but I love Kurt Warner. I also really like Larry Fitzgerald because he reminds of a cool Irish guy I went to college with named Patrick Fitzgerald. He also had a nice cousin named Gerald Fitzpatrick. (I love that joke.) His wide receiver counterpart also came back from a broken face. (I mean literally a BROKEN FACE. Dude is a stud.) Gotta like that. Finally, given the choice between the QB who's actually won a Super Bowl versus a gifted but green rookie QB, I'll take the veteran.

Indianapolis over San Diego:
Everyone seems to be picking the Charger because they won four games in a row to close out the season, including a "playoff" elimination game against Denver. That's nice and all but Indy went ahead and won NINE games in a row to finish the season. So there goes the momentum theory. We're also talking coaching matchup of Norv Turner vs. Tony Dungy. Again, I'm taking the guy with a ring.

Baltimore over Wildcats:
While at the Dolphins this season, there were two guys wearing Miami jerseys sitting near me. When they fell behind, one guy said they needed to throw more long bombs. The other replied, "bro, Pennington's bomb is eight yards." That's Dolphans for you. Rookie QB over limp-armed veteran? I hate this pick but I have to go with the better defense. I really wanted to pick Miami since I still live here and I don't want angry Dolphans breaking down my door. Then I remembered they're somewhat apathetic fairweather Johnsons and none of them know where I live. That and I'm not even sure anyone from Miami reads my blog anyway.

Minnesota over Philadelphia:
I hate this pick even more. If this was a regular season game I'd probably call this game a tie and there’s a 30% chance of being right. Yeah Philly beat Dallas (which made me happier than I should have been) but it was as much a case of the Cowboys self-immolating. Since I can't think of anything else to say about this, I'm going to revert to my Nature Theory and pick the Vikes since in nature, I'm pretty sure a Viking can kill and Eagle.

There it is. Enjoy the games.

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:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 3:48 PM [+] :: | 0 comments

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