:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

Thoughts, observations, and introspections from an art student waiter/bartender in South Beach. Arcane humor ensues.
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:: Thursday, July 09, 2009 ::

:: I'm Back ::
It's been a month since my old iBook went on life support. After five and a half years of faithful service rendering graphics and ads, composing copy and blog posts, keeping me updated on sports, helping me research food and wines, and downloading porn other miscellaneous activities; logic board, and two batteries, and two chargers later, she finally succumbed to age.

She's succeeded by my new, white MacBook which i pretty much a vastly updated version of my old one. As much as I would have loved to buy a 15" MacBook Pro, my budget couldn't justify the purchase but honestly, this is as much computer as I need at this point. the new one is a little lighter, sleeker, and way faster. The screen is a touch smaller (13.3 vs. 14.1) but it's perkier, er, brighter.

As for the monthlong blogging break, well...

A lot has happened, but few things have changed. A couple of dates and a few numbers that led nowhere. They were good women but they just didn't intrigue me after the first drink (I thought alcohol was supposed to make women more interesting? Or is that for men? I forget). But then again, I've been in something of a funk lately so I probably wasn't at my best either. In fact, thinking about it now, whatever charm or move that might have initially attracted them to me was slightly diminished those nights.

Took a chance and bought a bottle of Bourbon called Buffalo Trace and it turned out to be fantastic.

I'm still at the Steakhouse and I've seen many of the original hires leave. Some left for greener pastures, other were told that their services were no longer required (couple of interesting stories there). Three months after we opened, the managers finally seemed to have their shit together and they seemed to have figured out that I actually know what I'm doing, unlike a few of my otherwise cordial coworkers and I've been getting good schedules as a result.

My guitar still sounds as sweet as ever.

Is anybody out there still reading? If you are, please leave a comment and say "hi." Especially if you're a lurker and you've never commented before.


:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 10:15 PM [+] :: | 0 comments

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