:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

Thoughts, observations, and introspections from an art student waiter/bartender in South Beach. Arcane humor ensues.
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:: Friday, February 15, 2008 ::

:: Job Search: Day 8 ::
I did some pavement pounding yesterday and dropped off at least eight or nine more resumes and filled out almost as many applications. Nothing really solid, since almost everyone told me something along the lines of "we're not hiring at the moment" or "our staff is full right now" followed by "but if you want to fill out an application, we'll keep in it on file and call if anything comes up."

One hotel I went to told me they don't take paper resumes (wtf?) but I can fill out an application on their website. I figured what the hell and I started that around noon. As it turns out, that place is owned by a multinational hotel company and this was their corporate application site. It wasn't just a simple case of filling in the boxes and checking the box that says I've never been convicted of a felony (Explain: Umm, great lawyer), as there were a series of questions and a survey that took half an hour. Which was fine since I didn't have anything else to do. (I could have just picked my nose but I'm a great multitasker.)

I need to print more cover letters and resumes so instead of going to Kinko's, I head over to my old school to use their printers. I hadn't been there in over a year and there were so many changes that I spent some time both trying to find the computer room and downloading the proper drivers. Around 3:30, I get a phone call from a number I don't recognize. Hoping it's one of the restaurants finally calling me (to tell me that they desperately need my services because I'm awesome) I answer eagerly.

It's that hotel.

That was fast. They must really need someone. We talked about ten minutes discussing several points about my experience and what would be required of me at the restaurant. Being corporate, it was one of their H.R. guys that went through my resume and called me to schedule an interview. So as it stands now I have an interview next Monday at 10:00am. Wish me luck.

Oh, there's more: While I was printing out my stuff, I ran into a girl that I met at Dewey's a couple of weeks ago. That meeting alone is worth a blog post (I'm surprised I didn't blog about that night). I'm sitting on the couch, she turns the corner, we make eye contact and each say a surprised "hey!" She's on her way to class so we chat only briefly. I get her number, and make plans to shoot some pool tonight at ten... because I'm awesome (I'm gonna keep typing that until I actually start to believe it. That could take a while.)

Considering my recent fortunes, I'm betting 50-50 that she's going to flake and not show up but then again, she might show up and have a lot of fun right?

I should mention this: I'm posting this at Taste Bakery and manager who's been working there as long as I've been going there just gave me a bag of cinnamon rolls to take with me because she didn't want to throw them out. If you know anything about me the only thing I love more than food is free food. This is a good sign.

EDIT: 7:35 - I just saw her at Starbucks. I came here after Taste closed and just walked in to get some coffee. (I think she's stalking me). We talked very briefly and I noticed she had two cups and made a (lame) joke about caffeine addiction. She said the other one's "for Joe." My first thought was, "who the fuck is Joe? Boyfriend? Study partner? Maybe a bisexual female friend whose full name is JoAnne?" (I have an active imagination.) Anyway, says I'll see you tonight and leaves. I see her with Joe, who's a tall, lanky, dorky looking guy with glasses. I think I can take him.

Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention this the first time: this girl and I have the same first name. Whoa, déjà vu .

What do you mean I'm thinking too much??

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:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 5:55 PM [+] :: | 0 comments

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