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:: Monday, January 27, 2003 ::

It's a day after the Super Bowl and Keyshawn Johnson is STILL talking. He's just repeating "I got a Ring!" over and over. So I guess the Tampa Bay Bucs are Super Bowl champs. I guess the old adage "offense wins games, defense wins championships" still holds true. I saw the game with a couple of old buddies and since the game itself wasn't that riveting, we had more fun heckling the game. There were a few points in the game where there was a genuine concern that Bucs backup QB Rob Johnson might come in to play a few snaps. Good gawd, Rob Johnson the gimp has a Ring. (For those of you who don't know, he has a reputation as being rather frail. While most QBs are followed by reporters and groupies, this guy is followed by an ambulance. Somewhere out there, Doug Flutie is crying.) You knew this game was over when the Raiders defense allowed starting QB Brad Johnson to run almost 10 yard to get the first down. I don't want to say he's slow or anything but 400lb guys at a buffet line move faster than he does. And RB Michael Pittman, who's been the most ineffective guy on Tampa's offense somehow gets 124 yard rushing?! Against the Raiders?! I have a feeling that Sting singing "sending out an SOS" during the halftime show was something Raider coach Bill Callahan put him up to.

Still, as much as I'd hate to admit it, Tampa Bay really deserves this one. Their defense was just as dominant as a defense could possibly be. I'd say even more so than the Baltimore Ravens of two years ago. They picked off Rich Gannon five times for crying out loud. Five! Two by MVP Dexter Jackson and two by Dwight Smith. Who?! Dwight who?!?

If you were to ask us, my friends and I think the game MVP should have gone to Gannon. Why? He threw five touchdowns. Granted, three were to the other team but no matter how you hack it, throwing five TDs in one game is very difficult.

I was never a huge Raider fan but I don't dislike them either, so I was rooting for the Bucs to lose due mainly to the fact that they beat my 49ers earlier in the playoffs. That and Keyshawn Johnson plays for them. Now he and fellow motormouth Warren Sapp have Super Bowl Rings. You thought they couldn't shut up before...

:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 10:28 PM [+] :: | 0 comments

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