:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

Thoughts, observations, and introspections from an art student waiter/bartender in South Beach. Arcane humor ensues.
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:: Sunday, February 10, 2008 ::

:: Job Search: Day 3 ::
It's just past midnight, and I never got a call from either place. Can't really say I'm surprised but I think I knew this would happen. I'll give them till the early afternoon tomorrow and see what's up, but there isn't much point in going back out till Monday since managers, for whatever reason, hate doing interviews during weekends.

Still, it seems like I'll do better this time around than I did two years ago, when it took me over two months to find a damn waiter job. In South Beach, land of a million bars and restaurants. Considering I'm a U.S. Citizen that speaks fluent English and possess at least a modicum of a work ethic, I'm still baffled as to why it took me so long back then. I'm guessing the owner of the Irish Place simply forgot and she'll get back to me soon. I'm not taking anything for granted. I'm sure I'll be okay.

On the way back home yesterday, I stopped by the Fatburger that just opened up here thinking a little comfort food that reminds me of home might do some good. The first bite my Kingburger is just awesome. They're not as good as a Double Double from In 'n Out. And while I love those thick steak fries, I still miss In 'n Out's fries, especially when it's served Animal Style. (By the way, I'm making that last photo my Wallpaper.)

Luxuriating in my meal, I start thinking about the last couple of days and realize that I've been approaching this job search like a long-term thing. One of my resolutions was that I'd have my "real" job by summer. I do need this "temp" job to hold me over so really, it shouldn't matter where what or where I work, so long as I have a steady income. Yet, I've been going to certain places instead of others specifically because they're looking for bartenders. I wrote a while ago that I could see myself doing that for a while at a good place, that was for later on, if the ad thing didn't work out. I did apply for a few server jobs just in case but really, it shouldn't matter. This is supposed to be temporary, right?

So what am I doing, really? I haven't given up on my advertising job, or else I would have stopped updating my book. I do enjoy bartending, but that's not why I came to Miami. But am I going that route because it's really what I want to do, or is it just because it's the easier thing to do? What's my calling exactly? Hard to say. On top of that, later that night a friend left a well meaning comment addressing exactly that.

I wrote last night that it's nice to have options but sometimes those options will affect the rest of your life.

I spent most of today cleaning out my apartment from top to bottom. Amazing when you can accomplish when you have some unintended time off. I vacuumed the whole place, including the closet, and even the dust bunnies off the ceiling fan. I scrubbed the floors, the bathroom, the toilet, sinks, stovetop, and even the inside of the pantry-like thing. Then I pulled out the Swiffer and did the floors everywhere. I went to the laundry to get my sheets and other miscellaneous objects cleaned. But just before I left, I sprayed the whole place with a healthy dose of air freshener.

While cleaning, I made the decision that I'll take whatever job’s a good fit and once I get settled in, focus my efforts on finishing my portfolio. I have the rest of my life to bartend. I this is something I need to do now. (That's what I keep telling myself.)

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:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 12:10 AM [+] :: | 0 comments

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