:: Server Stories: Part X - I'm a Professional Salad Tosser ::
... not only that I can make a kick-ass Ceasar. (Hey-O!!!)
The restaurant is implementing a few changes and a couple of them are additional salads to our menus and a new wine list. All the waiters were at work listening to the owner explain to us how the salads are made. One of the guys had a question regarding the gorgonzola and all I remember from the reply is "blah blah blah cut the cheese." Maybe I was tired or bored, or maybe my inner child took over my brain for an unfortunate moment but I started to snicker. Then I noticed that my buddy Chuck was also laughing at that verbal gaffe.
Yeah we're all adults, aren't we. (By the way, I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but Chuck and I were the only straight guys there. Thought I'd mention it.) Part of the salad seminar involved tasting. And as each of the cooks got a turn at making each one, the waiters were grazing like cows. I'm not sure but after eating all that green, leafy stuff and other healthy crap, I think my body might have gone into anaphylactic shock.
A day later, we were given a lession on wines by the new manager Rey. We were lectured on the different varietals but also the proper method of presenting and pouring wines to a customer. I thought I was doing it right this whole time but I guess not. (Apparently, popping open the cork, setting the bottle in front of the customer, and telling him "dude, take a long swig and gargle that bitch" isn't the right way. Whatever.) And it would supposedly help us if we ever have deal with customers like these.
We went over the differences in the various whites (Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Reisling, and Chardonnay) and reds (Pinot Noir, Merlot, Syrah, and Cabernet) and even tasted them so we got an idea of what they taste like and what to recommend them with when they order their seafood.
However, Rey didn't say anything about the White Zinfandel. Shocking, I know.
:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 1:29 AM [+] ::