:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

Thoughts, observations, and introspections from an art student waiter/bartender in South Beach. Arcane humor ensues.
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:: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 ::

:: Uncomfortable ::
Right now I'm sitting at the bar of my new favorite restaurant in South Beach called Quarterdeck (14 beers on tap, great burgers, and FREE WiFi... I've already been here enough times that a couple of the managers recognize me) enjoying my late lunch ($12.99 for 1 1/2 pounds of Snow Crab legs - friggin' awesome) before I have to stop by the grocery store. This is where the title of this post comes into play.

I'm about to leave and The Girlfriend, who's not feelilng well, asks me how long I'll be gone. I tell her it'll be a couple of hours since I'm going to stop by the grocery store after lunch. She then says "can you pick up some tampons for me?"

I paused for a minute. My facial expression - whatever it was, I'm not sure since the only thing on my mind was a quick and painless death - must have been quite telling since she immediately said "that's ok. I'll get some myself later." Trying to save face I weakly reply "you sure?" She nods and smiles. Just as I'm about to step out she says to me "be sure call me when you get to Publix so I can tell you what I need."

Now, I've never done this before but I suppose the day had to come sooner or later. Not to say I'm apprehensive but I had a brief thought about the crab legs being my last meal. Sort of. Alright, maybe it's not that bad but is there anything more uncomfortable for guys than to have to pick up feminine hygiene products for your significant other? (Other than trying to sit through that one Hanes underwear commercial where Kevin Bacon and Michael Jordan spend 60 seconds giggling like schoolgirls while homoerotically flirting with each other like awkward cellmates who've been in prison for the first time? - not that I'd know anything about that.)

:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 7:31 PM [+] :: | 0 comments

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