:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

Thoughts, observations, and introspections from an art student waiter/bartender in South Beach. Arcane humor ensues.
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:: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 ::

:: Do not Feed the Animals ::
I like to eat out (at restaurants), even if it's just down the block to Taste Bakery and I like to bring The Girlfriend along whenever I can. What's been happening a lot on our dinner dates is that she gets quite preoccupied watching me eat. Let me explain:

I've mentioned a few (dozen) times how I'm a guy that enjoys a nice, large meal. So regardless of where we go, she finishes before I do since she doesn't eat nearly as much as I do (few people do, except for maybe this guy who pulled this off. Yes, I'm envious). And depending on what I have in front of me, she watches me scarf down rather intently.

As she explains it, it's kinda like watching an animal at a zoo eat. Now, I know I'm not the only one who's fascinated by an animal feeding, (hell, I'm entertained just watching my turtle eat his pellets.) especially if it involves carnivores being fed large amounts of meat.

Apparently, she finds a similar entertainment value (or morbid fascination, I'm not sure which) watching me eat. It's not that I have disgusting eating habits or anything. Far from it. But I've been told, by a few others as well, that they've never seen anyone - for example - dismantle a rack of baby back ribs as cleanly or thoroughly as I do.

Hey, a guy's gotta be good at something, right?

:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 2:28 AM [+] :: | 0 comments

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