:: I got Tagged. ::
I got tagged for the very first time. My thanks to the Brookester for making me do this meme which is probably gonna take time out of life which I'll never get back and..., oh who am I kidding. I love this crap.
3 names I go by: Dan-E (pronounced "danny") Dan (I prefer "danny" but don't ever call me "Daniel") Dude (but only by my best friend BN)
3 screen names I have: dan-E dan_hyphen_e theHyphenate
3 physical things I like about myself: My dimples (I used to hate them) My legs I have asymmetrical features
3 physical things I don't like about myself: My midsection My thick, yet patchy facial hair I have asymmetrical features
3 parts of my heritage: Human Wolf Freak
3 things that scare me: Success (I'm an artist) Commitment (I'm a guy) Cockroaches (I'm a wuss)
3 of my everyday essentials: Caffeine Laptop Guitar
3 of my favorite musicians: Bono/The Edge Jimi Hendrix Richard Wagner
3 of my favorite songs: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2 Texas Flood - Stevie Ray Vaughn One - U2 (The last two change all the time.)
3 things I want in a relationship: Intimacy Trust Fun
3 lies I tell: "Nothing. I'm just tired" (If you ask me what's wrong) "I'll call you" (If the date wasn't that good) "Just give me your money and I won't kill you"
3 physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to me: Eyes (especially big, blue ones) Smile (can't beat a great smile) Really nice legs (total leg/ass man)
3 of my hobbies right now: Playing my guitar Playing sports Writing
3 things I want to do really badly now (with a special someone): (Only three???) Hold her hand Have a fun, engaging conversation with Have sex
3 careers I've considered doing: Rock Star (it could happen) Psychiatrist (except I can't keep a secret. I LOVE that joke) Assassin (as a matter of fact, I do have a mental list of people I wanna kill. And I'm a good shooter.)
3 places I would like to go on vacation to: Europe (especially Ireland) Australia Baja
3 kid's names I like: Chlamydia Luke and Leia (for twins) Kenny
3 things I want to do before I die: Jump out of a helicopter and ski down fresh powder Be an awesome guitar player Meet the women of my dreams
3 ways that I'm a stereotypical guy: I love sports; both playing and watching Dry, arcane humor aside, I love a good poop joke I'll eat almost anything that's been deep-fried
3 ways that I'm a stereotypical girl: I have long hair I try to smell nice (or at least not smell at all) I own the "When Harry met Sally" DVD
3 people I would like to see take this quiz: wumanjoo Jenne Nikki (And anyone else who wants to.)
:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 12:02 AM [+] ::