:: Dammit ::
I just got back from a round of tennis with TG. A friend of hers and his son showed about an hour after we started. Now, this son is freakin' amazing. He's ten, been playing since three (THREE!) and his skills are better than some of the guys that were on my college tennis team. TG was done since her callouses were hurting (wimp) so I played with the kid for about 25 minutes before I had to sit down. We get back in car and this conversation happened:
Me: That kid's gonna turn pro.
TG: I know! It's so funny how after you and his dad were done playing, you guys were panting and he's all "let's keep playing!."
Me: (Chuckling) I know. It's nice being young.
TG: I'm kinda scared to play him.
Me: I think you'd do well. And you're probably the only one who wouldn't be panting afterwards.
TG: (Mumbling) Yeah, if I quite smoking.
Me: Yo... (I turn to look at her. She somehow already got a cigarette in her mouth without me noticing.) You smoke. (Not said in the form of a question.)
TG: Yeeaaah.
Maybe I should relax that Dealbreaker Rule a little. Maybe. Anyway, I'm gonna go pound my head against a wall a few dozen times. More later.
:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 8:36 PM [+] ::