:: So bad for the body even the soul is hurting ::
Anyone who knows me knows that I love really bad fast food. My favorite place is In 'n Out and I've written quite a bit about this place. However, if I want anything a little less healthy, I go to Tommy's and grab a Double Chili Cheese with a side of Chili Fries. But if I really want to digestively defile myself, I drive to Pink's Hotdogs and go to town.
So it shouldn't surprise me that a place in the South has something that trumps any of the above when it comes to serving something that might make your heart implode. There's a place in Atlanta called Mulligan's that serves something called a "Hamdog". I love anything that so blatantlyl thumbs it's nose at the health food movement but this is just awesome. I mean, talk about the ultimate hangover cure; how do you even eat this thing?
Anyone wanna road-trip up to Atlanta with me?
:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 11:54 PM [+] ::