:: Hurricane Hangover ::
I'm going to be happy once hurricane season is over because waiting one out can really, really suck. Not that South Beach has been in any real dnager since none of the four hurricanes have come that close to Miami, fortunately. But they've all been close enough that we've received warnings and evacuation orders at one point or another. Sitting around, doing nothing and drinking beer is fun but only on occasion and for guy like me who likes being outdoors, it can feel stifling.
So imagine how happy I was when Hurricane Jeanne took a little loop and decided she wanted to see the sights in Florida. Again, there wasn't any real threat here but there was still both an evacuation order as well as a curfew for people like me who didn't want to leave. So once I again get a few cans of food, a couple of jugs of water, and some other stuff just in case it does get real bad but... it doesn't. Forunately.
Still, I don't know what it is but just like last time, I had everything I needed to do some work but all I did was either watch sports, sleep, or eat. And I still woke up this morning feeling sluggish. What's that all about?
I shook off the cobwebs by going for a run this morning and like most day-afters, it was quite nice outside. Seriously though, no more hurricanes.
:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 10:14 PM [+] ::