:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

Thoughts, observations, and introspections from an art student waiter/bartender in South Beach. Arcane humor ensues.
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:: Thursday, March 04, 2004 ::

It's funny when I think about it. (Actually, lots of things are funny when I think about it long enough.) I've always been a casual hockey fan and while I root for the Kings and Ducks, I haven't been to see either team at their respective arenas. In my seven months here I've already been to two Florida Panther's games during my stay here. Go figure. Last night's game was a spur of the moment thing organized by a classmate who happened upon some free tickets and being an advocate of all things free, it was hard to say no.

Going to a hockey game is similar to going to a baseball game in that it's more than just watching your team, it's about experiencing the game and it's surroundings. Hockey just happens to be faster paced and a little more action packed. Even if your team loses, you still go home feeling like you’ve had fun (Unless you’re a Red Sox fan).

Still, it would be nice to go to a sporting event where the team I'm rooting for actually, you know, wins. Yesterday the Panthers lost 5-2. Last time they lost 5-3. Last season's Marlins game 3 vs. the Cubs was an 8-5 loss. I went to a Lakers game last Christmas and they lost to Houston. The last two Dodgers games I went to were also losses. Now, I still had fun at all the events but still.

:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 6:59 PM [+] :: | 0 comments

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