:: Life on Planet Dan-E ::

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:: Monday, February 09, 2004 ::

:: A Good Game. Who Knew? ::
I would have never thought that an NFL Pro Bowl game would actually be entertaining, let alone downright exciting. Most All-Star game in any sport are typically snoozers but today's football game provided some genuinely fun viewing. (And without that "this time it counts pretense.") Offense is always prolific in these games but I've never seen anything come down to the wire - the NFC coming back from 25 points down and scoring the winning TD in the last two minutes to win by a mere 3 points - like this. And the drama ended by, naturally, a missed field goal by Indianapolis Colts kicker Mike Vanderjagt, who by the way, was a perfect 37 for 37 during the regular season. I wonder if Peyton Manning will have any "idiot kicker" rants to blow off.

:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 12:12 AM [+] :: | 0 comments

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