:: Getting Caught Up in the Nightlife ::
It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I told myself I wasn't going to get swept up in the seeming frivolity of the South Beach Nightlife and yet...
I finally got some furniture into my place and I moved most of it in my place by 10:30pm with the help of few of my classmates. Afterwards, they decided to go to Senor Frog's for live rock music and 25 cent beer and I, in my (in)finite wisdon, decided to join them. I was hungry and I didn't feel like cooking. Well, I didn't get any food, and to make a long story short, our group partied at Frog's well into the night and somehow ended up at a cool little Irish pub quaffing pints of Guinness at 4:30 in the morning. Keep in mind this is now Tuesday. You should also know that I had a 9:00am class that day. Fortunately, the one good decision I made that night was to pace myself so my lifelong streak of never being drunk still stands.
Still. No one in their right minds should be out this late, drinking this much beer (regardless of the price), on weeknight, the evening before a morning class. It just isn't natural. And yet, here... that type of night seems so normal.
I didn't get to bed (I actually have a bed now! Actually it's a futon but it feels like clouds in heaven after sleeping on tile floors the last week) till around 5:30 and yet somehow managed to drag myself out to class and make it on time. Don't ask me how. I just know it wasn't on my own strength.
I just got out of class and I'm typing this out in the school lobby while waiting for the rain to die down so I can walk home since I forgot my umbrella (again). I'm gonna get some sleep.
:: Miscellaneous Ramblings by Dan-E at 4:16 PM [+] ::